
    NCC/Scout & Guides

    The Scout Guide Movement is basically the Youth Movement. The program has been designed with amendments for the all-round development of the personality of the youth up to the age of twenty-five. This was also the dream and foresight of Lord Baden Powell, the founding father of the Movement.

    Scouting and Guiding is a voluntary, non-political, secular, non-sectarian, uniformed youth movement. It was founded by Lord Baden Powell in England in 1907 and started in Indian in 1909. This movement was conceptualized in Intra by the founder, who had spent 10 years in this country as an army officer.

    It is an international organization spread over 155 countries and has a strength of 36 million members. It aims at the development of the personality of its members and trains them to serve the society.

    The sections which run in Kendriya Vidyalaya CISF are –

    •  Cub-Bulbul (6-10 years)
    •  Scouts/ Guide (11-17 years)